The Network for Religious and Traditional Peacemakers
Learn about sustainable peacebuilding through The Network for Religious and Traditional Peacemaker’s new website. The Network’s mission is to enhance efforts toward peaceful and inclusive societies by increasing the active collaboration between religious and traditional actors, and other key stakeholders in conflict transformation.
I worked with the Network for Religious and Traditional Peacemakers to completely re-design their website to be more content-focused and user-friendly, showcasing their multitude of resources and highlighting their work towards inclusive peace building, events, and networking opportunities. As a result of collaborating and working closely with the Communications Coordinator, the new website contains elements such as an archive for programmatic work, a wall of published research, and individual regional project pages.
Role: Designer / Editor / Web Designer / User Researcher
Tools: Wordpress / Adobe Ai / Adobe Ps / Canva
Deliverables: Website re-design
The About Page – this page is critical within every website as it can be a display of character, a place to share history, stories, and people behind the work. The layout should be simple and clean, and easy to read for those new to the page of the Peacemakers Network.
The Programming page – this page presents past and current projects in which The Network leads or supports in efforts of peace-building. It is a new addition to the site, as it now serves as a portfolio of projects and updated activities for Network Members and other viewers to learn.
The Working Group, Home, & Research page (from left to right) – the Home page now introduces the viewer with a brief explainer and promo video about the organization for brief knowledge, as well as a quick scroll of the most recent projects developed and related news.
Working Group and Research pages has been re-designed in an organized and structural flow to display informative priority areas and summary passages for ease of read and navigation.